Tips for Saving Money during the Work Week

December 9, 2016

When it comes time for you to have a full time occupation, it’s supposed to be for MAKING money, not spending it. Sadly, however, with rising rates on tolls and gas, it’s becoming more and more expensive to make it to and from the office everyday; and that’s not even factoring in lunch, parking, and that cup of coffee on the way in each morning. That is why it’s more important than ever to be smart with your money and save where you can during the work week.

The ultimate goal should always be financially preparing for bigger and better things instead of wasting paychecks on unneeded daily expenses. Here are three easy ways each of us can cut a few corners and save while going through the grind.

  1. Make Your Own Coffee and Lunch! – Listen, we get the whole “can’t put a price on convenience” thing, but few of us (especially those of us with families) can truly afford to eat out for breakfast and lunch every day during the work week. You may not think that cup of coffee at Starbucks is a big deal, but when it comes down to it, 5 dollars every day five times a week adds up to $1,300 a year! It is much cheaper to just make your first meal of the day at home, complete with your own cup of Joe. Better yet, leverage one of your free work options in the office kitchen; chances are even with a few different options, the taste isn’t as good as the big guys, but as they say “free is for me,” and it should be for you too. When it comes to lunch, you should certainly treat yourself and maybe every Friday go out with the boys, but even just bringing lunch 3 times a week can save out another $1,600-$1,700 annually. Instead of taking the easy way out on coffee and food, use that $3,000 on something more meaningful like an extra mortgage payment or vacation.
  1. Carpool Whenever Possible- This one is obviously dependent on your commute as some of us rely on taking public transportation to and from work every day. That being said, if you are one of the millions of Americans who are crowded on the highways, parkways, and freeways everyday from 7am-9am and 4:30pm-6:30pm, costs and vehicular wear and tear can really add up. Ease the burden your job places on not only you, but your car by finding some friends in the office that share a similar route to and from the building. You can alternate days, full weeks, or even months, whatever works best for everyone’s schedule; but when you add up all the gas, tolls, and parking, you’ll be happily left with plenty of extra cash for the holidays or rainy day fund.
  1. Leverage Corporate Perks- In a competitive market for top talents, most businesses do what they can when it comes to spoiling their employees with incentives, bonuses, and special rates on common products or services. The savings potential really becomes significant, however, when you properly leverage not only corporate lunches, but rather things that carry over into your daily personal life- i.e. gym memberships, mobile phone packages, cable discounts, and insurance. Sure, you should never pay for a pen or notebook while the supply closet is right down the hall, but it is these unexpected perks of working at a company that often become the most rewarding. Don’t forget about corporate airline and hotel discounts when it comes time for a well needed (and deserved) vacation with the family too!