Terminator Malware Steals Skype Files and Takes Screen Shots

February 18, 2016

Just when you think the “Terminator” has done all the damage it can possibly do and the good guys have saved us for the last time, the T9000 shows up. This time it is not the work of Hollywood, nor is Arnold Schwarzenegger is involved. Instead, it’s those pesky malware writers at it again.

SkypeThis one can take screen shots of your computer, steal not only encrypted data, but also can grab audio and video files from Skype calls. It works on any computer and is very stealthy about how it installs itself; in stages pausing periodically to avoid detection by anti-malware tools.  It arrives as an attachment in email with a somewhat outdated extension: RTF for Rich Text Format. Files using this format haven’t been popular for a while, so if you do receive one in your in-box, it should be addressed with suspicion. If it arrives from someone unknown or unexpectedly, don’t open it.

If you know the sender and you really are curious, contact the sender either by brand new email message (as opposed to replying), by phone, or by walking to his or her desk and ask about it. If that person does not know what you’re talking about, it should be destroyed in a tank of molten metal like Schwarzenegger’s T800.

Ok, it isn’t necessary to be that dramatic, but definitely delete it without opening it. While you’re at it, remember not to click links in email without the same scrutiny.  Now that you’ve saved the world, go make some popcorn and watch a romantic comedy.


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