Free Prizes Offered In Exchange For Personal Info Is A Scam

October 5, 2018

Anyone want a free prize? Of course we all do. However, sometimes those “free” gifts come with a price attached. And it can be quite expensive when that price is malware on your mobile device. A recently discovered scam has been spotted by researchers at Symantec that promises free prizes if you merely provide a few personal tidbits. That sounds harmless, so, why not? All they want is some information, right?

Well, hold your horses, there Partner. What they really want is most likely to install malware onto your device. If they don’t want to do that, they want access to your Facebook friends list. In exchange, they promise Amazon gift cards, free iPhones, or even cash. But they are all scams, so don’t let them lasso you.

The scammers are pretty good in this one, too. They don’t limit it just to one operating system or type of device. Anyone with an Apple or Android product is at risk when using a browser. The fraudsters even post fake testimonials flaunting how fantastic their scam is. Those “testimonials” are all phony and just trickery.

The good news is that many, if not most, of the antivirus software products are ready for this one and as long as you have the latest updates installed, you should be protected. If you don’t, stop right now and go take a gander at what is available and apply it right now.

In addition, make sure all the latest critical and security updates are applied to your devices. Apple recommends enabling the “Block Pop-ups” and “Fraudulent website warning” options for iOS too. If you don’t see these options, you may not have the latest updates.

Remember to use caution when browsing, whether on your desktop, laptop, or sitting atop your favorite steed using your smartphone. All devices are all at risk, regardless of what browsers you use and where you’re using them. Consider using a pop-up blocker on all your devices. There are many options. Just make sure to do a little research to make sure you’re using a legitimate product rather than just manure.

Stickley on Security
Published August 18, 2018