2 Summer Money Saving Tips

July 14, 2016

Summer is here, and the only thing that can rise higher than the temperatures on the beach this season, is the amount of debt you can go into if you aren’t careful! Look we get it- summer is awesome, and it’s certainly the best time all year for parties, vacations, and dozens of fun outdoor activities; but on the other hand, it’s also primetime for overspending since there are  so many desirable things to do or buy during those 3 highly anticipated months.

While they can certainly range in cost, from baseball games and concerts to just treating yourself to the trendiest swimsuits, the bottom line is that the natural good mood summer brings along makes all of us loosen the reins on our wallets a bit. So, how is a family supposed to do all the fun things they’ve been planning without going broke?

They can do so easily by being smart and strategic with their spending habits in certain other areas of their lives that actually benefit from special pricing/availability during late May through early September. Here are two helpful tips that will have you saving more money for summer fun in no time:

  1. Grow Your Own Fruits and Veggies-The minute the days get a bit longer and the sun stays out after you’ve come home from work, the grills come back to life and it’s time to eat outside! The excitement that comes along with this moment, however, can quickly cause us to overspend considerably on a wide variety of food products- from high quality meats to fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. Instead of rushing to Whole Foods where anything labeled “organic,” is going to cost you at least ten dollars, look into growing your own ingredients. For example, the majority of fruit/veggie seedlings come packaged at just about every food, convenience, or hardware store for about $2 to $3; the amount of produce those seedlings can yield is pretty incredible compared to the few tomatoes or peppers the same money would get you at the store. Better yet, the savings for this type of action don’t end when the summer does, as any leftovers can often be pickled or canned for use in the fall and winter months. Why spend money on expensive roasted peppers during the holidays when you can make jars of your own for free in September? Depending on where you live, you may also be able to join a local group where you can swap ingredients you have an overabundance of or even sell them at local farmers’ markets. Additionally, the feeling of accomplishment and just outright better taste that comes with freshly grown produce cannot be denied.
  1. Leverage the Nice Weather Where You Can to Save Money- The warm temperatures that come with the summer months make it capable to do certain money saving activities that are sometimes unavailable throughout the rest of the year. For example, put your expensive gym membership on hold and get your exercise from either your yard work or running outside while the weather permits. Instead of going out to a restaurant or bar every time you want to see your friends/family, invite them over for some drinks on your back deck; not only will you be saving money on the elevated bar and food costs that tend to occur in the summer, these types of gatherings are usually more intimate and enjoyable anyways. When it comes to entertaining the kids, it may seem like EVERYTHING costs money. Well during the summer, get them out of the house and down to your local playground, park, lake, or beach. These types of days are fun for the whole family and while you may feel like you are away from home on vacation, in most instances, it won’t cost you a dime outside of maybe parking. Lastly, you can even think outside of the box a bit and purchase needed items that are drastically reduced due to not being in demand during the warm summer months. For example, jeans, sweaters, winter coats, and home improvement tools for the colder season (like rakes, shovels, and snow blowers) should all absolutely be purchased during their cheapest time of the year. If you wait until last minute after summer ends, you are going to get nailed with low product availability and sky rocketed pricing.